Customer service?

Written on 1:06 PM by Tushar

I thought it would be really cool to send a video iPod to my sister in India. Fortunately one of my dad's friends was going to India in next 3 to 4 days so I placed an order with and gave his address for delivery.To make sure that he gets it in time I paid around 20$ for expedited shipping. It should have worked! There was absolutely no problem...

But it didn't!

A day before the order should have been delivered to his place I got an email saying that your order is canceled for one of the 5 reasons and they had mentioned all the 5 possible scenarios. They dint even tell me what the reason is!
By that time it was too late to place an order with somebody else:(
On the top of that this company charged my card for 250$.. I still have not got my money back.
I tried calling them on Sat and got a reply that the customer service dept operates only on weekdays. I thought 'It's my fault. I should call them on Monday'. I did call them today to get the same reply that they are closed and operate only on weekdays!
I tried all the combinations to reach a customer care executive but got the same reply.
Eventually one the combinations worked and I got hold of one the customer service guys and told him about my problem.
He arrogantly told me that you will get your money back in 10 business days. I said, 'fine. At least tell me the reason for canceling the order'.
His reply was ridiculous! 'Whichever of the 5 reasons that we have mentioned in the email makes you happy is our excuse for canceling the order!'

Folks it is time that you outsource your customer service to India! Read Joel's post on 'seven steps to a remarkable customer service'. You have got to learn a LOT from that!

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  1. Anonymous |

    are you stupid or just plain dumb ? ... why will outsourcing to india be any different you think. As a matter of fact the very article you pointed to says the same thing

    -amit !

  2. Tushar |

    @amit: Yeah I am kinda stupid or plain dumb:P My pt is if Americans who are getting fat salaries are doing bad job at customer service why not transfer that to India. Even if Indians don't give very good service (they will not be arrogant to the caller for sure!)this company will save a few bucks.Not that I care about that but I will always appreciate anything that increases the no of jobs in India!

  3. Anonymous |

    dude, this is the exact point that really really most people get wrong. Is the outsourcing happening only for the money ? .... And about Indian arrogance ... well you need to be in India to really see that ...

  4. Anonymous |

    I don't agree with this "anonymous" arrogant dude! An Indian call center person will not be arrogant on the call! There is no point in mixing two different situations...Why else do u think USA is outsourcing? Money matters!!

    ~Anonymous dudette!

  5. Anonymous |

    "anonymous(e)" arrogant dudette,

    i agree money matters, but its not the only thing ! ... i just brought about the money thing coz the poster said itd save dbuys a few bucks ( implying india is cheap labour, which it is no doubt ).

    i just object to the baseless assumption of the poster (and u second this ) that Indians in call centers are any less arrogant ... cmmon ... give us a break !


  6. Anonymous |

    Mr. "ad"..errr...arrogant dude(i don't like using abbreviations for name!) are objecting without any reasonable explanation...!
    BTW u hv misread/misinterpreted Tushar's views...the point was if u r getting same(if not better) service from Indian call centers then u should outsource it to India!


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