Taking things for granted??

Written on 12:13 AM by Tushar

It was 930 at night and it was freezing out side. I wanted to get to Varun’s place to have yet another potluck(where we ended up having a great time watching Black Friday and chit chatting) so I called for an escort van (which is a free shuttle service provided by Hopkins to its students)

The van showed up on time. I got in and told the driver where I was going. He looked at me and said “Do you have polio? (Can’t you walk?)”

It took me while to register what he was saying. I was so used to the usual ‘Thank you’, ‘Have a good day’ talk that I was taking US people for granted for being nice and friendly. And tonight I was asking for something which was my right as a Hopkins student.

Do I need to tell that the driver got the ‘right’ answer:)

Lesson learnt: Don’t take things for granted. Coz as per Murphy’s law if anything can go wrong then it will!

Epilogue :

Reply from the director of the escort service at JHU...

"We regret that you had an unpleasant experience with the Escort Van Service. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to use the Escort Van Service for your transportation needs to and from campus, within our one-mile radius service area.

I was able to discuss your complaint with the Escort Van Driver who you claimed was rude and unprofessional. The driver was apologetic and said that he wouldn't let it happen again."

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  1. Debajit |

    Hey.. hold it there dude... I'd really like to know what happened...
    lemme figure..

    * "Right bro, I have polio!"
    Kaboom.. &@!^#% bam... boom
    (more sounds of wrenching bones)
    "Now you have it too!"

    * "Teri %%$%$^"
    [More matribhasha expletives]
    (People in the vicinity run
    for fear of their lives as
    they hear loud TNT explosions)

    * Everyone in JHU hears a loud TNT explosion and sees a nuclear mushroom cloud above the escort van.

    Dude... I really don't know what happened, but I think you ought to report this to JHU and make sure some serious action is taken.

  2. Tushar |

    @debu: yeah I am planning to do that.


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